Calving days, branding days, and shipping day are all major milestones on working cattle ranches. This time of year is shipping time for many ranchers in Wyoming. At LoneTree Land & Livestock, the team shipped 825 calves and sorted 1,675 head in about 2.5 hours.
The pipe corrals built using a Temple Grandin design for low stress livestock handling are an integral part of the efficiency in moving, sorting, and working with cattle at LoneTree. The designs of Temple Grandin, a prominent author and speaker on both autism and animal behavior and a professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, are acclaimed for revolutionizing livestock handling.
LoneTree Land and Livestock is currently for sale as a turnkey ranch - land, improvements, cattle, and equipment all together. The sellers are running 1,200 cow/calf pairs along with 400 replacement heifers, and if moisture permits, 2,000 yearlings in the summer months as well as bulls and saddle horses. If operated exclusively as a cow/calf operation, the turnkey ranch supports 2,000 pairs comfortably.
This property is listed by Rob Pfister with Pfister Land Company.
Shipping day at LoneTree.
Temple Grandin design of curved single file chute with solid sides to block the animal's vision.
This property is listed for sale by Rob Pfister, WY Broker License #4255, of Pfister Land Company, LLC.
1030 N Carrington
Buffalo, WY 82834
(307) 620-0064